Snow Adventures


I live in a little brick house by the beach, we consider anything less than 20 degrees (celsius) a cold day, and our winter weather is hardly anything to complain about... so one of the most exciting parts of living in Austria for six months was the prospect of seeing SNOW! 

I grew up down in Tasmania, so I've seen snow before, but only a few times as a child and I've never had the experience of living in a climate where it snows regularly. We got our first glimpse of European snow atop the Untersberg - the northernmost massif of the Berchtesgaden Alps. We visited with Matt's family when they came over to visit us. As well as the snow, we had incredible views of the entire Salzburg region. 


I'm sure to anyone used to living in a mountainous snowy climate, there's nothing exciting about this light sprinkling of snow, but for us it was truly magical...

We took these photos in early October of 2017, it's now January of 2018 and as I look out my window, there's about a foot of snow covering everything ... and its still oh so exciting .. !